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LGBT Reiseziel Amsterdam mit rainbowtravel


The capital of the Netherlands has long been one of the most popular LGBTQ+ destinations in Europe. There are several reasons for this: Firstly, the openness of the Dutch towards the community.

The Netherlands was the first country in the world to accept marriage for same-sex couples by law. Amsterdam also offers a great nightlife, many inviting bars and incredibly great events for the community. The famous Canal Pride is the flagship of these events. But there's always a lot going on in the charming city, which is criss-crossed by canals.



5 facts about Amsterdam


Amsterdam Pride Festival:

  The Amsterdam Pride Festival is one of the most famous LGBTQ+ events in the world and takes place every year at the end of July and beginning of August. The highlight of the festival is the Canal Parade, in which elaborately decorated boats sail through the city's canals. In addition to the parade, there are numerous parties, cultural events and information sessions that celebrate diversity and inclusion.


Historical significance:

Amsterdam has a long history of tolerance and acceptance towards the LGBTQ+ community. In 2001, the Netherlands became the first country in the world to legalise same-sex marriage. The Homomonument, a monument near the Westerkerk, honours the LGBTQ+ victims of persecution and is a meaningful place for the community.


LGBTQ+ Nightlife:

The city offers a vibrant nightlife with many LGBTQ+-friendly bars, clubs and cafés. Popular spots include ‘Reguliersdwarsstraat’, a street known for its LGBTQ+ bars such as ‘Soho’, ‘Taboo’ and ‘PRIK’. These places offer a lively and welcoming atmosphere for locals and tourists alike.


LGBTQ+ museums and culture:

The Gay Museum (IHLIA LGBT Heritage) at the Amsterdam Public Library houses an extensive collection of LGBTQ+ historical materials and exhibitions. It is an important place to learn more about the history and culture of the LGBTQ+ community in the Netherlands.


LGBTQ+ organisations and community:

There are numerous LGBTQ+ friendly hotels and bed & breakfasts in Amsterdam that offer a safe and welcoming environment. These accommodations are often centrally located and offer easy access to the city's main attractions and vibrant LGBTQ+ nightlife.


Find your accommodation in Amsterdam

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