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Welcome to rainbowtravel

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Welcome to rainbowtravel - Austria's first LGBTQ+ travel agency! We arrange hotels, packages and cruises for the community and look forward to creating customised offers for you so that you feel well looked after right from the start.


Our travel offers

Thanks to our strong network of hotels, tour operators, incoming agencies and gay guides worldwide, we have the opportunity to design your holiday exactly according to your wishes. The packages on our website are a collection of ideas - your holiday could look like this, but it doesn't have to. We customise everything from A to Z for you.

Entrust us with your travel planning and experience how your holiday starts from the very first minute.


We look forward to accompanying you on your journey! 


Discover our exclusive travel packages specially designed for LGBTQ+ travellers to explore the diversity and beauty of the world.


Immerse yourself in romantic and unforgettable travel experiences designed for LGBTQ+ couples to create memories together.


Our Hotels

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Discover our carefully selected hotels and accommodation specifically designed to provide a safe and welcoming environment for LGBTQ+ travellers.

Meet the Team

Meet the Rainbow Travel team: Passionate LGBTQ+ travel and events experts dedicated to creating unforgettable experiences. 

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